Dropping the facade…

My hair is falling out. And not at the normal, regenerative pace. In October of 2022, I had emergency surgery.  One day I was fine and the next day I was not.  In fact, I remember clearly that night in the ER, the surgeon telling my husband and I that I may not survive the... Continue Reading →

A Letter to Me

Dear Grace, You have fought one helluva battle this year, honey.  You stood tall in the face of the storm.  Be proud of yourself.  But there are a few things that you need to remember going into this next year. Please listen and absorb… you need to hear this.  Here goes nothing.  You are enough. ... Continue Reading →

Learning to live with impermanence

Hello, my friends!  The roller coaster of life has taken me away from blogging as of late, but I sure miss being here on WordPress amongst good peeps and fellow writers.  I’m beginning to feel rather rusty as a blogger, but when I found myself musing about the impermanence of life this morning...I thought I... Continue Reading →

Mid-life crisis?

I had a big, scary realization today.  It makes me feel sick inside.  But I need to get this out... I need to be authentic and share the dark feelings that I am having.  I am no one.   I haven’t done anything of significance with my life.  I have a few accomplishments, achievements...but they... Continue Reading →

Gratitude Friday!

Hello, my friends~ With a little encouragement, I decided today was a good GREAT day to express some gratitude. Thank you for reading and please know that I am grateful for your readership as well 🙂 Happy Friday! Time to sparkle, Grace My Gratitude List 1.  I am grateful to feel deeply loved.  This feeling... Continue Reading →

A Year of Zen

Hello, my friends~ Often, when I want to engage in reflective writing, I’ll use a prompt from a guided journal.  This prompt is from A Year of Zen: A 52-Week Guided Journal (Treace, 2020).  I thought I might share this journal entry as it reflects something we could all use a little more of in... Continue Reading →

Perspective- it’s a bear!

No two people share the same fingerprints, and they say that no two tigers have the exact same stripe pattern.  Perception is similar in that it is uniquely our own experience.  Our perception is shaped by sensory input (how we see, smell, hear, process touch, taste), personality, experiences, proximity, feelings in a given moment, etc. ... Continue Reading →

Exploring Envy

I am currently reading Brené Brown’s Atlas of the Heart, a fabulous book recommended by fellow blogger, Wynn Leon (if you aren’t following her blog, you should do so immediately! 😊).  This book explores how we experience emotion.  As I was reading the second chapter, titled Places We Go When We Compare, I was schooled... Continue Reading →

Lunch date, anyone?

After my husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 in December, I emailed my (former) therapist and asked if we could resume sessions.  In my email, I explained what to her what was going on, and how my husband was taken by ambulance to the hospital on Christmas Eve.  She immediately contacted me, and we set... Continue Reading →

Dancing my way to freedom!

Hi, I am Grace, and I am a compulsive overeater. It is getting easier and easier to say that statement and not feel a ton of shame around it.  This is a strong signal to me that I am learning to love myself, flaws and all.  I can be a compulsive overeater and still be... Continue Reading →

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